29 April 2021USA analysis

Nominations open for Captive International’s second US Captive Awards

Captive International is now taking  nominations for its second US Captive Awards.

The awards recognise the top institutions and individuals working in the US captive market across all parts of the industry. There are awards for domiciles, captive management, reinsurance, fronting and banking services, among others, with separate awards for companies and people, ensuring the most talented individuals are recognised, regardless of where they work.

The winners of each category will be selected by our readers and industry executives. The deadline for nominations is June 1, 2021.

Last year's awards were hugely successful, but we are determined to build on that success by canvassing even more votes this year, to ensure the awards offer a true reflection of the captive insurance market in the US. So make sure you  vote for your favorite domicile and service providers in Captive International’s US Awards before time runs out.