[Last updated: 21/07/16]
Regulatory contact:
Commissariat aux Assurances
Address of regulator7, Boulevard Joseph IIL – 1840 Luxembourg
Telephone Number +352 22 69 11 - 1
Email Address
Name of Captive Legislation
Modified law of 7 December 2015 on the insurance sector
Modified CAA Regulation N°15/03 of 7 December 2015
Year Legislation Passed
Recent Amendments
Do you allow Cell Captives?
Total Number of Licenced Captives
31/12/2015: 217 reinsurance companies
Number of licences granted in the past year (2015 calendar year)
8 reinsurance companies
Approximate (or Average) length of time to process a new captive
Each file is analysed individually with the objectives of detailed analyse and rapid decision making
Captive tax rates
Minimum capitalisation rate
€ 3.600.000 for commercial reinsurance companies
€ 1.200.000 for captive reinsurance companies
Licencing fees
€ 5.000
Industry sectors best represented in the domicile
Industrial groups, Financial institutions, Distribution sector
Total premiums received by the Captives
31/12/2015: € 9.530.000.000
Total value of assets under management
31/12/2015: €
Captive Insurance Managers registered to conduct business in domicile
ALLIA INSURANCE BROKERS LUXEMBOURG | 1, rue de la Poudrerie, L-3364 Leudelange |
AON INSURANCE MANAGERS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. | 534, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg |
GRAS SAVOYE WILLIS MANAGEMENT SERVICES | 145, rue du Kiem, L-8030 Strassen |
INDEPENDENT (RE)INSURANCE SERVICES S.A. | 253, rue de Beggen, L-1221 Luxembourg |
INDEPENDENT CAPTIVE MANAGEMENT SERVICES S.A. | 4, Ancienne Route d'Arlon, L-8399 Windhof |
MARSH MANAGEMENT SERVICES LUXEMBOURG S.A.R.L. | 74, rue de Merl, L-2146 Luxembourg |
RISK & INSURANCE SERVICES S.A. | 1a, rue du Nord, L-2229 Luxembourg |
RISK & REINSURANCE SOLUTIONS S.A. (en abrégé: 2RS) | 23, avenue Monterey, L-2163 Luxembourg |
SOGECORE S.A. | 31, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange |
ZURICH INTERNATIONAL SERVICES S.A. | 37, rue du Puits Romain,, L-8070 Bertrange |