IT & Claims Management

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Mark Rogers, head of business development at Vitesse, provides a guide for some of the pitfalls—and advantages—of setting up a captive.
Karl-Johan Rodert of automotive company Autoliv explains to Captive International how it came to create an award-winning captive.
Gordon Thompson of AmeRisk Consulting reviews how captives can be the solution to cyber risk issues.
Technology and the internet of things are opening up areas of potential opportunities in areas both old and new. Captive International investigates.
USA analysis
Captive International takes a look at how artificial intelligence might impact the world of insurance.
Accounting & tax analysis
Michelle Bradley and Enoch Starnes of SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group take a look at the impact of inflation on captives.
The captive insurance industry is facing a revolution, shaped by disruptive technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. Marcus Schmalbach of Ryskex reports.
IT & claims management analysis
Claims is a people business, and there are many lessons the industry can learn from this part of the business, says Dexter Morse, formerly of the International Air Transport Association.
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More News

22 March 2024   New product aims to help clients understand potential climate exposures.
18 March 2024   The Ryskex executive is also the new CIO of the blackchain/renewable energy company.
12 March 2024   The insurance industry will be feeling the impact of inflation for some time.
6 March 2024   PoloPartners is expected to focus on captives in its early stages.
28 February 2024   The company has carried out a study based on claims submitted all over the world.
20 February 2024   The captive financial company has received its second global credit rating.
4 May 2023   New funding for the global InsurTech sector rose to $1.39 billion during the first quarter of 2023, up 37.6% from $1.01 billion in Q4, 2022, its lowest quarterly total since Q1, 2020 according to the latest Global InsurTech Report from Gallagher Re.
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