The Western region captive insurance conference will once again be hosted by the Arizona, Missouri and Utah captive insurance associations.
This year the theme of the event, which will take place May 11-13, 2015, in St Louis, is ‘Gateway to Captives: An Interactive Industry Forum’.
The the keynote session, ‘The Wonderful World of Big Time Advertising’, will look to generate ideas for marketing and promoting captive programmes.
A panel of three experienced captive experts will come together to discuss the biggest threats facing the industry. Jerry Messick, chief executive officer of Elevate Captives; Charles Cohen, principal of Charles R Cohen and former Arizona Commissioner of Insurance; and Mike Mead, Missouri Captive Insurance Association (MOCIA) president and editor of Captive Insurance Company Reports will discuss their views.
The latest news about current National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) regulations will be discussed in the session ‘A Town Hall Meeting about the NAIC’.
Other discussion topics at the event will include: ‘How We Use Our Captives: A Real World Discussion’, ‘Who Does What and Why in the Reserve Review Process’, ‘Cell Accounting and Reporting’, ‘How Does Pooling Really Work?’ and ‘How To Terminate or Close a Captive’.