Filling the voids in a niche industry
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it forced upon the world continue to reverberate. And if there’s one thing it sparked that was the Great Resignation. As people spent a lot of time thinking about their careers while in lockdown—and many decided to up sticks and leave their jobs. When this is combined with the ongoing Great Retirement, as people naturally reach the end of their careers and retire, many companies are getting worried about plugging the gaps in their ranks.
That was the findings of an investigation by Captive International in our US Focus 2023 edition, which was published last month.
As captives can be a specialised area of the market, filling the voids in the ranks of the captive insurance industry can be harder than in some other professions.
Emma Sansom, group head of captives at Zurich Insurance Group, told Captive International that when it came to the qualities she and others look for when recruiting, it very much depends on the role that you’re looking to fill.
As Sansom pointed out, the captive space is very niche, so generally when she’s recruiting, she’s not necessarily looking for someone with experience of the industry, but instead someone who can demonstrate transferable skills.
To read the rest of this article free in Captive International’s US Focus 2023 edition, click here.