7 July 2020USA analysis

Abry Partners takes a majority stake in HealthEZ

Abry Partners, a private equity company, has taken a majority stake in HealthEZ, an independent third-party administrator (TPA) of self-funded medical plans that focuses on small and mid-sized businesses.

Abry's investment is intended to enable HealthEZ to provide more and enhanced services to its marquee client base, and to pursue strategic acquisitions.

HealthEZ was founded in 1982 by Nazie Eftekhari, and seeks to simplify what it describes as “the byzantine process of accessing and financing healthcare for employers, their employees and the physicians and other providers who treat them.” It created the first captive Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network, and proprietary patient payment technology.

Nazie Eftekhari, HealthEZ's founder and chairwoman, said she was convinced Abry will be a good fit for HealthEZ. “They are a diverse and talented team, like us, like our clients and our team, like America and Americans,” she said.

T.J. Rose, partner at Abry said: "The HealthEZ team has done a tremendous job of helping small businesses navigate the complex self-insured landscape and we look forward to driving future growth through continued investment in technology and people."