23 November 2023news

AM Best grants stable outlook & rating affirmation for EID

AM Best has affirmed the financial strength rating of A and the long-term issuer credit rating of “a” of Ireland-based Eni Insurance Designated Activity Company (EID), a captive of Eni, a multinational energy company based in Italy. The outlook of these ratings is stable.

The rating agency said that this reflects EID’s balance sheet strength, which it assesses as very strong, as well as its strong operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management (ERM).

AM Best assesses EID’s risk-adjusted capitalisation at the strongest level, as measured by Best’s capital adequacy ratio, and expects it to remain at this level prospectively. An offsetting rating factor in the balance sheet strength assessment is EID’s reliance on reinsurance to underwrite large risks; however, the risks associated with this reliance are mitigated partly by long-standing relationships with reinsurers of excellent credit quality.

“EID has a track record of strong operating profits, demonstrated by a five-year weighted average combined ratio of 51.5% (2018-2022),” said AM Best. “The company’s underwriting performance has remained strong during the first nine months of 2023. Prospective performance is subject to volatility due to potential large losses from EID’s property account. However, underwriting volatility on a net basis should be moderated by the captive’s comprehensive reinsurance programme.”

AM Best added that EID is well-integrated within the Eni group’s risk management framework and maintains its active role in overseeing and containing the group’s insurance costs. Additionally, the captive enables the group to centralise claims information and establish effective internal reporting for Eni. EID has a developed ERM framework, with a clear risk appetite and tolerance levels in place.

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More on this story

16 November 2023   The rating agency praised the captive’s balance sheet strength.
3 November 2023   The firm is a captive for trading company Marubeni.
27 April 2023   The company is a captive insurer for a jewellers.