27 February 2020Law & regulation

North Carolina sets aside day for captive owners at annual conference

North Carolina will kick off its annual conference in May with a day dedicated exclusively to captive owners.

Sessions will focus on governance issues and the life cycle of a captive, with owners also getting an opportunity to meet Debbie Walker, the state’s senior deputy commissioner for insurance.

David Littlehale, chairman of the NCCIA’s annual conference planning committee and director and regional manager at Strategic Risk Solutions, said: “Every association wants to draw as many owners as possible to their conference.  It bodes well for the domicile, and conferences for that matter, when you have more engagement by the owners - whether it’s the main stakeholder, CFO, treasurer or risk manager of the parent company.”

The NCCIA’s annual conference runs from May 13-15, with May 12 set aside for sessions targeted at captive owners. The idea is to increase engagement between the captive owners and the domicile, and the event’s organisers hope that, having made the trip for their own day, a good number of owners will stick around for the remainder of the event.

Littlehale said the opportunity to meet with Walker is “a wonderful opportunity for the owners to get to know her and her approach to regulating their captives.”

The event will also be a great networking opportunity, he added. “Captive owners will have the opportunity to get to know each other and this may lead into conversations that give each other ideas for what their captive insurance companies are doing.”

Littlehale called on captive managers that are active in North Carolina to reach out to their clients to inform them about the session and encourage them to attend. “To attract owners to this session it will take efforts from all of us that are involved in the NC captive industry,” he added.

The main NCCIA conference includes sessions covering a range of topics, some technical and some more accessible. Sessions include how to attract the next generation of employees interested in the captive industry, insuring cyber risk and ESG investing.

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Law & regulation
20 March 2020   When North Carolina’s captive insurance programme began seven years ago, regulators promised flexible, timely regulation that would help new captive insurers form and flourish. North Carolina’s regulators have delivered on their promise, says Barry Smith of the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
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Law & regulation
20 March 2020   When North Carolina’s captive insurance programme began seven years ago, regulators promised flexible, timely regulation that would help new captive insurers form and flourish. North Carolina’s regulators have delivered on their promise, says Barry Smith of the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
22 January 2020   The North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) licensed 26 new captive insurers and approved 61 new cells in 2019, according to figures published in its 2019 end-of-year report for its captive insurance program.
USA analysis
12 March 2020   North Carolina is hoping to to grow its captive industry by encouraging more of its local agriculture forms to set up captives in the state.