VCIA unveils details of latest roadshow
The VCIA has unveiled details of its latest roadshow, which will take place in New York on October 26.
The event, called ‘Strategic Advantages of Captives’ will take the form of a two-part seminar followed by a networking reception.
The event will focus on the basics of captive insurance companies: the reasons for formation, the feasibility process and key issues in putting a successful captive programme together. VCIA said attendees will gain an understanding of the cost structures associated with captives and the capital requirements. A brief overview of the Vermont domicile will also be discussed.
VCIA’s roadshows are held in major cities throughout the US and beyond. They are designed for individuals either new to captives or exploring captive formation.
The event includes a two-part educational session typically featuring captive owners and captive professional panellists including the Vermont Deputy Commissioner of Captives, who document their companies' experiences in forming and operating a Vermont captive.