Milliman principal elected chair of CICA as it reshuffles board
Joel Chansky, a principal and consulting actuary in the Boston office of Milliman, has been elected chair of the board of directors of the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA).
Chansky specializes in alternative market issues. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of captives, risk retention groups, and alternative risk financing and a faculty member of the International Center for Captive Insurance Education.
He is also a former board member of the National Risk Retention Association, the Arizona Captive Insurance Association, and the Captive Insurance Council of the District of Columbia.
"Our board has charted a strong course for CICA's future. I look forward to our continued growth and increasing CICA's presence and collaboration with our international partners," Chansky said.
In addition to Chansky, the board elected Steve McElhiney as vice chair and Lance Abbot as secretary/treasurer. McElhiney is president of EWI Re, a subsidiary of NL Industries and member of the Contran Corporation group of companies. Abbot is President of BevCap Management, director of BevCap Captive Group, and director/shareholder of BevCap's sponsored cell captive.
Board members McElhiney and Fredrik Finnman, group risk manager, Sandvik Group, located in Sweden were also re-elected to three-year terms.
Returning CICA board members are: Courtney Claflin, executive director of captive programs, University of California, Office of the President; Carol Frey, vice president marketing and business development, Great American Insurance; Michael Scott, attorney, Law Office of Allison & Mosby-Scott; Audrey Rudberg, president, Minnetonka Insurance Company; and Sarah Pacini, JD, RN, chief executive officer, Cooperative of America Physicians and the Mutual Protection Trust and CICA board immediate past chair.
CICA also elected Renea Louie, vice president, Pro Group Captive Management Services and Michael Zuckerman, JD, professor, Fox School of Business at Temple University to three-year terms as board directors.
Louie has extensive experience and knowledge in the alternative risk transfer industry. Prior to joining Pro Group, she held top level roles in the IT and high-tech industries. She most recently served as a board member on the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE), and continues to serve on the ICCIE marketing committee. She currently serves on the CICA Program Committee and has served on committees or supported various organizations through projects and membership including CICA, Risk and Insurance Management Society, State Associations and others.
Zuckerman, JD, joined the Temple University Fox School from Aon, where he served as Managing Director and National Health Care Practice Leader for Alternative Risk Financing programs. His more than three decades of industry experience include executive positions at Thomas Jefferson University (and Health System), Marsh and Aon.
CICA President Dan Towle said: "We are excited to have Renea and Michael joining the CICA board. Their expertise compliments our professional development initiatives and our commitment to developing the next generation of captive professionals."