MSLCS appoints new executives
MSL Captive Solutions, which provides underwriting and reinsurance services for medical stop loss captives, has appointed Peter Parent as chief underwriting officer and Jean Verrier as chief financial officer (CFO).
The appointments follow what the company said was growth in its underwriting activities.
Parent has over 25 years’ experience in the medical stop‐loss insurance industry with experience in underwriting, operations and marketing for stop‐loss managing general underwriters. He was formerly president of AGS Risk Management Inc.
“There is continued growth in the use of captives to insure medical stop‐loss and we have received a strong demand for our specialist services dedicated to this sector. I’m extremely pleased to have Peter join us at this stage of the company’s development”, said Phil Giles, managing director of MSLCS.
Verrier has over 20 years’ experience in insurance accounting as an auditor, captive manager and with commercial insurers. He was formerly CFO of RiskCap, a leading captive manager and VP Finance for iCAT, a diversified catastrophe insurance organization.
Brady Young, chief executive of SRS said that captives represent an excellent risk financing tool for organizations to gain control over their healthcare costs and that the company is committed to developing this sector of the market through its core captive management and consulting business and in its support of MLSCS.
“We look forward to seeing Phil and the expanded executive team establish MLSCS’s as the leading provider of technical underwriting services for captive medical stop‐loss programs,” Young said.