Carla Harris
14 September 2023news

Leadership vital in new post-COVID world

Managers need to rethink their priorities when leading their staff in the current working environment.

That was the message from the keynote speech to the 2023 Bermuda Captive Conference by Carla Harris, senior client advisory at Morgan Stanley.

She pointed out that whilst many managers are now from the Baby Boomer generation, employees are increasingly Millennials or Gen-Z, who have different expectations when it comes to working practices.

Harris stressed that recent events like the COVID 19 pandemic had especially changed matters, with more demand to work from home.

She urged managers and executives to be transparent and authentic with their staff and to provide leadership that builds trust and innovation.

Harris said that diversity is one especial difference from the past workplace, with Millennials and Gen-Zers having grown up in a more diverse world than many Boomers.

She also stressed that modern leadership has evolved from providing oversight to insight and that it is important for executives to encourage the development of their team around them and provide constructive criticism and encouragement.