The line-up of speakers for the Bermuda Business Development Agency’s (BDA) CFO Forum 2016 – Bermuda Captive Insurance has been announced.
Presenting at the event will be: Brian Quinn, managing director, Granite Management: Stacy Apter, director, global risk and investments, The Coca-Cola Company: Leslie Robinson, assistant director, department of licensing & authorisations, Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA); Sophia Greaves, associate, Conyers Dill & Pearman; Catherine Sheridan Moore, partner, tax, KPMG (Bermuda); and Robert Spencer, consultant, former chief financial officer, Baker & McKenzie.
The speakers will discuss the advantages of establishing a Bermuda-based captive insurance company.
Proceedings will be moderated by Ron Campbell, assistant vice president of insurance at Willis Towers Watson.
The forum will be held at The Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta, Georgia on Tuesday Match 15 between 8:30am and 12pm.
Registration for the event is open now.