AM Best to make opening remarks at VCIA event in Boston
Brad Mazur, managing director at AM Best, will make opening remarks at the Vermont Captive Insurance Association’s upcoming roadshow event in Boston on November 14.
This session will focus on the basics of captive insurance companies, including why companies should form captives, the feasibility process and key issues in putting a successful captive program together.
It promises to give attendees an understanding of the cost structures associated with captives and the capital requirements, as well as a brief overview of the Vermont domicile. It includes two educational seminars where attendees can earn CPE and CLE credit.
Representatives from two different types of captives will share their thought process and experiences, with presenters describing the captive climate and regulatory requirements in Vermont.
The roadshow is aimed at executives of companies, associations or institutions considering the formation of a captive, and executives of companies, associations or institutions with captives who wish to update their knowledge or review their captive’s operations or management.
The VCIA holds captive insurance roadshows in major cities throughout the US.