NCDOI captive financial analyst joins Atlas
Captive manager Atlas Insurance Management has appointed Spencer Caldwell, former captive financial analyst for the North Carolina Department of Insurance, as an account manager.
In his new role, Caldwell’s duties include reporting and reconciling account statements, investments and domicile reporting requirements.
"Finding the young talent we need in the captive insurance industry is not easy for Atlas or for others. We are, therefore, very fortunate that Spencer's move to Charlotte led him to our door. We shall benefit from his regulatory experience while I am sure he will learn to enjoy the challenge of working on the private sector side of the captive world," said Atlas chairman, Martin Eveleigh.
Caldwell commented: “I've found it really surprising to see the high rate of growth within the industry since the popularisation of captive insurance. I look forward to learning more about the captive insurance industry from a captive management perspective.”