13 March 2023Analysis

SRS to provide captives snapshot in webinar

Strategic Risk Solutions (SRS) is holding a webinar where SRS experts will share their thoughts on what they’re seeing in the captive industry at the moment.

The webinar will be on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 11 a.m. EDT.

The event will feature Derick White, managing director SRS East as the moderator, Tempe Robins managing director, SRS West, Colin Robinson, director, SRS Cayman, Derek Bridgeman, managing director, SRS Europe, Laura Rodrigo, managing director, SRS East.

SRS said: “Join SRS’ Tempe Robins, Colin Robinson, Derek Bridgeman, Derick White, and Laura Rodrigo as they discuss the state of the captive market from their perspective. SRS is the fourth largest captive manager worldwide and our leaders have great insight into the captive industry from all corners of the globe.”