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1 December 2017Analysis

Welcome to the Forum

The Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC) is very proud to be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Cayman Captive Forum on November 28 to 30 at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman.

The Forum has a wonderful track record, growing to its current size (1,400 registrants, many of whom are repeat attendees) while keeping the content fresh and relevant to today’s issues.

It remains a wonderful tool for education of industry practitioners, current and prospective captive owners.

IMAC salutes its Forum Committee (led by Erin Brosnihan, with Kevin Poole, Ian Bridges, Jackie Campbell, Brad Fisher, Graeme McGuffie, Jennifer Pooley, Helen Stephenson, Alana Trundle, Kamila Wolar and William Forsythe) for their ingenuity and energy in reaching this milestone.

The captives industry is a different place from the one many of us involved in IMAC experienced in the 1980s and 1990s. It may now be more mainstream, but there are industries and geographies as yet untapped by the captives concept and the great potential of this risk financing and risk management tool.

I urge those newer to the industry not to take it for granted, and to embrace the ongoing need for growth in the captives area. There is wonderful experience to be had in educating potential captive owners/participants to possible solutions to their risk management/financing challenges, and it is very rewarding to watch fledgling captives grow successfully, something in which Cayman has a sterling track record.

I wish all attendees an enjoyable Forum.

Linda Haddleton is chair of IMAC. She can be contacted at: