14 November 2022Reinsurance

Tanti leaves Atlas for MAPFRE

Keith Tanti has been appointed chief operations officer at MAPFRE Middlesea, effective immediately.

Tanti was previously at Atlas Insurance, which he joined in May 2001 as branches and intermediaries & customer strategy project manager in Malta.

In 2017 he was appointed manager of personal lines, branches & intermediaries and in 2019 he was made chief officer – personal insurance operations, again on Malta.

In a statement on LinkedIn Tanti said: “I am incredibly grateful for all the learning opportunities I received, all the open doors for growth and development, for all that I learned, and for having worked with great colleagues past and present, which are lifelong friends. It`s not easy parting away from Atlas after almost 22 years. In every corner of Malta, there is a reminder of work I was involved in. It`s been a really nice fulfilling journey.”