GIIA unveils new chairman
The Guernsey International Insurance Association (GIIA) has announced that it has a new chairman, Adele Gale.
Gale is a director at Robus and heads up the company’s ILS and longevity practices alongside a portfolio of captive, insurance and reinsurance clients. She was previously deputy chairman of GIIA and replaces Mark Elliott, who has completed his two-year term as the association’s chair.
The new appointment became effective at the beginning of March. James Stewart has been elected as deputy chairman.
“I’m delighted to be elected as the new chairman of GIIA working alongside so many contributors to our committees and working groups to support the promotion of Guernsey, to develop new products, to provide learning opportunities and to lobby for change,” said Gale.
“Since its creation the Association has achieved a huge amount and is today an energised and engaging place to collaborate with peers. Last year we celebrated 100 years since the establishment of the first captive in Guernsey and this year we’ll be remembering 25 years since Guernsey created PCC legislation and all the innovative uses of PCCs we’ve seen since then.
“I’m looking forward to continuing to work with Mark as he remains on Committee and thank him for all of his hard work during his tenure.”