SIIA to hold mentor connection event in June
The Self-Insurance Institute of America (SIIA)’s next mentor connection event will be on June 8 this year and registration has now opened.
Developed by SIIA’s Future Leaders Committee, this interactive event connects younger members (those under age 40) with several senior self-insurance/captive insurance industry executives in a “speed-mentoring” format.
Attendees have access via small group live stream chatrooms to leaders in the self-insurance marketplace to discuss practical career advancement advice, including tips on how to become more valuable employees. This format also encourages attendees to personally engage and understand the value of professional networking.
In the final hour, mentors will be excused allowing attendees to engage in virtual networking.
The mentors will include: Mark Combs, chief executive of Self-Insured Reporting; Amy Gasparro, chief care officer of Vālenz Health; Liz Midtlien, vice president of emerging markets at AmeriHealth; Kari Niblack, chief executive of Blackwell Captive Solutions; Shaun Peterson, vice president and head of employee benefit pricing at Voya Financial Employee Benefits; Peter Robinson, managing principal at EPIC Brokers & Consultants; Adam Russo, chief executive of the Phia Group; and Stephanie Whalen, president of the Union Labor Life Insurance Company.