Swiss Re calls for consolidated discussions in 2013
In an exclusive interview with Captive International, Urs Neukomm, director in the strategic solutions team at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions has called for more consolidated communication in the captive sector. Citing Solvency II as his team’s major concern through 2012 and into the New Year, Neukomm made it clear that the other pressures on the captive industry shouldn’t continue to be discussed separately.
“[There are] many loose ends both at the corporate and captive level, in terms of accounting, tax and regulatory developments,” Neukomm said. “Then there is a lot of pressure in terms of risk management as well as changes to corporate laws in Europe. All of these developments have an effect on captives. Everyone is talking about one particular area but hardly anyone is putting all these loose ends together, and seeing the big picture.”
Neukomm expressed his desire for a more integrated discussion. “What we would like is to introduce a common nucleus for some of these developments so that we overcome these isolated discussions,” he told Captive International. “That’s the focus that we at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions have: to help have a thought framework which should lead to organized captive strategy and an organized deployment of captive capital.”