The three most important things in real estate, as the cliché goes, are location, location, location. If this is the same true for captive insurance domiciles will be a topic for discussion on this month’s Pinnacle APEX webinar.
According to Pinnacle Actuarial Resources: “Viability and value have helped to fuel the domestic and international growth of captive insurance in recent years. New captives are being created every day in domiciles all over the world.
“But what goes into the captive’s choice of domicile during formation? How critical is it to the captive's ultimate success? What additional factors should and could be weighed? And what does the current competitive landscape look like for different domiciles?”
The webinar will be on Thursday March 30, at 2pm EST.
Present on the webinar will be Pinnacle senior consulting actuary Daniel Linton, consulting actuary Nicole McArdle and guest Adam Miholic, MBA, ACI, senior consultant, Global Captive Solutions from Hylant.
The panel will discuss all about captive domiciles from A to Z and according to Pinnacle: “It should be a very interesting discussion—and critical for any organisation forming a new captive.”