29 March 2023Analysis

SIIA to hold cell & gene therapy forum

Registration is ongoing for the Self-Insurance Institute of America (SIIA)SIIA’s inaugural Cell & Gene Therapy Stakeholder Forum.

Scheduled for May 31- June 1, 2023 in Minneapolis, the SIIA described it as a timely educational event as the pace of new cell & gene therapies continues to accelerate.

“It is critical for those involved with self-insured group health plans to understand the evolving marketplace and to prepare,” the SIIA said in a short statement.

According to the SIIA the program has been curated to feature the perspectives of leading experts representing pharmaceutical companies, providers, employers, TPAs, brokers, attorneys, stop-loss carriers and reinsurers.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in open discussions to address specific issues and concerns.

Complete event information can be accessed via the SIIA.