Cayman Focus 2025
2 December 2024news

Captive International and Captive Review join forces on Cayman Focus 2025 publication

Captive International and Captive Review are pleased to unveil our first joint publication – our 2025 Cayman Focus!

We have the results of exclusive surveys of our readers on the current state of the Cayman captive insurance market, as well as the discussions and findings from two unique online panels that featured some of the great and good of the Cayman captive market.

We have an in-depth look at the progress of Cayman over the course of 2024, looking at how many captives and other related specialty insurers were set up on the domicile. 

We have the results of our latest Cayman awards, celebrating those individuals and companies that have been recognised by the industry and hailed as its leaders.

And of course we also have articles from some of the companies that appeared in our awards, which provide a series of guides to just why it is that Cayman is such a leading domicile at a time of increased competition.

You can access the edition here.

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