ICCIE to raffle off universal captive conference ticket
The International Centre for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE) has announced a raffle competition, with the winner getting a free conference admission to 2023 captive insurance conferences.
In August of 2023 ICCIE will be starting its 20th year. In celebration of that milestone captive conferences have agreed to offer one free admission to the winner of the “All Captive Conference Ticket” raffle.
The conference admissions are 100% transferable - the winner may assign his/her winning admission to any conference to any individual: a co-worker, client, friend, etc.
Some of the annual captive conferences that are participating include Bermuda, Cayman, CICA, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, Vermont and others.
The raffle tickets will be on sale through December 12th – the winning ticket will be drawn within a week of the closing of the ticket purchases.
Any inquiries should be directed to info@iccie.org.